Thank you for your interest in our photo contest! Show us why you love winter and/or spring in Park City! Entries that depict the local landscape, wildlife, outdoor lifestyle, and winter activities will be accepted! Please read the contest rules and terms below for additional information.
Prize: One Grand Prize winner will be selected by the PCStyle Magazine team. The winning photo will be printed half-page on the Vistor’s Guidepost page of our Winter/Spring 2021 issue and posted on social media with written credit to the photographer.
A handful of Honorable Mentions will also be featured in the magazine and posted on social media, with written credit to the photographer.
All photos will be judged anonymously.
To enter, you must be following PCStyle Magazine on Instagram. Then use #MyPCStyleMag on your Instagram post and tag PCStyle Magazine in the post. There is no limit on the numbers of entries.
The contest will run from October 30th, 2020 until November 9th, 2020.
The theme of the contest is Winter/Spring in Park City. Entries that depict the local landscape, wildlife, outdoor lifestyle, and winter activities will be accepted.
By using #MyPCStyleMag photographers give PCStyle Magazine non-exclusive rights to use their image in the Winter/Spring 2021 print issue of the magazine, on our website, and on social media with credit.
Photos must have been taken by the person submitting the entries and may not infringe on the copyright of others.