Another favorite local coffeeshop is Hill’s Kitchen at Kimball Junction. They’re loved for their smoothies, fresh baked goods and savory brunch dishes. They also have pre-made frozen meals that you can grab on your way home! And finally, another favorite spot is Hugo Coffee in the Park City Visitor Center. Their scattered seating is conducive to working and you can peruse the latest updates from Visit Park City while you’re there.
The Park City Library was selected by many Parkites as their favorite third place. With free access to all, a convenient location, and plenty of space, it’s the perfect place to study, read or work.
Stacy Smyth, the owner and operator of Luna’s Kitchen, says that she loves what the library has to offer, including their study rooms. “The Park City Library is a place to go to clear my head,” she says.
Dog parks are also a popular third place for Parkites. During the short days of winter, the dog park is a great place to let your dog burn off energy. And chances are, there’s a dog park near you.
The Library Field, Round Valley, Run-a-Muk and Willow Creek dog parks are a few of the most popular places to meet Park City dogs and their owners.
In an active community like Park City, it’s not surprising that gyms and fitness centers are many locals’ third place.
The Basin Recreation Fieldhouse was mentioned several times, as it’s an affordable option with a variety of classes. Silver Mountain Sports Club & Spa is also popular with locals, as it offers luxury amenities in a convenient Prospector location.